CBA News

CBA is Hiring!

CBA’s renovation of Peters Park in Boston’s South End has some fans! We love working with communities to improve public open spaces! @bostonparksdept @bslaoffice @cityofboston #peterspark #southendboston #boston

Construction has definitely been interrupted or stopped on many projects lately, but we do have a few that are still progressing. Here is a new elementary schoolyard in the Boston metro area that will have 3 large play structures by @playlsi , a splash pad by @vortexintl with permeable pavers, and an artificial turf play field. It’s going to be a huge asset to this community! We can’t wait until all our playgrounds can be opened up to the public again. Stay safe, friends. @bslaoffice #landscapearchitecture #wlam #thisislandscapearchitecture #elementaryschool #elementarydesign #schoolyard #schoolyarddesign #playground #playgrounddesign #splashpad #vortexintl

The CBA crew wants to take you on a quick detour to introduce a few of our new de facto work from home coworkers - the pets of CBA! Here is Baxter the doggo, felines Esteban and Jasper, and a selection of blissfully unaware of Covid-19 tropical fish. #landscapearchitecture #thisislandscapearchitecture #coworkers #coworkersareawesome #workfromhomelife

April showers bring... April flowers! Since the CBA team is working from home, we’ve all had a bit more time to tend to our personal gardens. Here are a few favorites: Chionodoxa, Daffodil sp., White Muscari, and Scilla. What you have in your spring garden? #gardendesign #springbulbs #plantingdesign #daffodils #scilla #grapehyacinth #chionodoxa

Have you heard of the City of Cambridge Urban Forest Master Plan? The Master Plan, produced by Reed Hilderbrand and a team of consultants, is a City effort to create a snapshot of the City’s urban tree canopy, project future growth/loss scenarios, and plan for canopy retention and growth, as well as assessing the current tree ordinance. CBA principal Megan Tomkins joined the UFMP Task Force in mid-2019; although the process was meant to conclude in 2019, there is a follow up meeting tonight at the King Open School Cafeteria at 6pm. See link in bio for more info! #urbanforest #treeordinance #cambridgema #masterplan #masterplanning

CBA Landscape Architects LLC is pleased to announce the completion of its transition to new ownership. Principals D.J. Chagnon, Megan Tomkins, and Kaila Bachman are CBA's owners and will carry on guiding the firm's direction, collaborating with our valued clients and colleagues to bring outdoor spaces to life. Founding Principal Clara Batchelor will continue to be an integral part of the firm, designing and managing projects.
Established in 1984, CBA has grown from a sole proprietorship to an organization of eight landscape architects and designers. We look forward to many more years of excellence in landscape architecture, supporting and expanding relationships with our clients and partners in the AEC industries, and constantly refining our expertise in design at the intersection of the natural and built environments.
#cbalandscapearchitects #landscapearchitecture #thisislandscapearchitecture #landscapearchitect #cambridgesmallbusiness #aec #bostondesigner #designers #designoffice

Yesterday was a two site visit day! Photo one is the Chelsea Garden Cemetery, for which CBA is in the middle of a multiphase process to restore this historic urban cemetery to its former beauty. Photo two is McKinney Playground in Brighton, Boston MA, where we are designing new artificial turf fields, as well as new playgrounds and an improved entry sequence for this heavily used urban park (photo taken right before a surprise snow squall!) @bostonparksdept #brightonma #mckinneyplayground #chelseama #cemetery #historiccemetery #thisislandscapearchitecture #playgrounddesign

2019 - what a year! Looking forward to seeing what 2020 brings our way. Happy New Year, all! 🎆🎉 #thisislandscapearchitecture #landscapearchitecture #landscapeconstruction #landscapedesign #landscapearchitect #designers #designoffice #landscaperendering #cityscapes

Our ABX panel on Wednesday went off without a hitch! We had such a great and diverse turnout with thoughtful questions and comments from those who attended. Looking forward to connecting with attendees who were asking for more information about the strategies we presented.
#abx2019 #placemaking #thisislandscapearchitecture #landscapearchitecture @destsalem #salemma #charlottefortenpark #abx

It’s ABX19 time! CBA principals Megan and Clara will be presenting a panel titled New Strategies in Social Placemaking today. It’s going to be a fun one! @bsaaia @abxboston @bslaoffice #abx2019 #placemaking #thisislandscapearchitecture #multidisciplinary

Whoa - walls!! This heavy duty retaining wall has steel and concrete mini-piles (the posts in the top photo) that go 14' below grade, with lagging to hold the concrete wall in place (the bottom photo shows the concrete forms). All this to maintain a level area for a new O'Neil Playground on Beacon Street in Chelsea. Due to the height and location of this wall, we worked with both structural and geotechnical engineers on its design 👷♂️. #construction #landscapearchitecture #landscapeconstruction #tascoconstruction #mcphailassociates #roomeandguarracino #geotechnicalengineering #structuralengineering #concrete #concretewall #retainingwall

Are you attending ABX2019? Join us for CBA's panel, "New Strategies in Social Peacemaking" on Wednesday, November 6th at 10:30am. We'll be using Derby Street Park (now Charlotte Forten Park) as our primary case study on how to implement an engaging place-making (and place-keeping) public process. Link in bio! Early bird registration ends today. .
@abxboston @destsalem
Photo credit @creativenorthshore .
#abx #abx2019 #architecturebostonexpo #placemaking #landscapearchitecture #publicprocess #publicparks #massachusetts

We had a fantastic time on Friday at the dedication for Salem's Charlotte Forten Park! We loved seeing the park being used for a large event, since that was one of the main programming goals requested by the community and the City. Performances included singing, speakers, dancing from the Fly Kids, and a live band. A huge thanks to @mayorkimdriscoll, @destsalem, and @creativenorthshore for all your hard work on bringing this project to fruition. Collaborating with this team and the Salem community has been so rewarding for CBA.
#salemma #parkopening #charlottefortenpark #derbystreet #289derby #thisislandscapearchitecture #landscapearchitecture

We're excited to announce that there will be a ribbon cutting at our project at 289 Derby Street in Salem this Friday, September 20th from 6-10pm - all are welcome! The community voted to name the new park after Charlotte Forten, an abolitionist, women's rights activist, and Salem State University's first African-American graduate in 1856. We're looking forward to the readings and performances that will be given at the event, as well hearing from local and state representatives. See you there!
#parkopening #salemma @destsalem @salemstate @salemmainstreets @salempublicart #publicparks #289derby #charlottefortenpark #landscapearchitecture #thisislandscapearchitecture #publicprocess

Another #vacation report from CBA Landscapes Architects! On of our CBA colleagues visited Storm King Art Center in New York’s Hudson Valley earlier this month and it did not disappoint! @stormkingartcenter #stormking #stormkingartcenter #hudsonvalleyny #upstateny #vacation

Join CBA founding principal Clara Batchelor at the Nichols House Museum in Beacon Hill on Wednesday 8/21 at 6pm for a panel discussion entitled Women in Landscape Architecture Today. This panel is the final event in a series related to the Nichols House Museum’s exhibition “the Gardens of Rose Standish Nichols, 1890-1930”, which is on view through August 31st, 2019. @nicholshouse @savingplaces @bslaoffice #beaconhillma #nicholshousemuseum #bostonmassachusetts #historicboston

Question: Where in the world is CBA?! We’re trying to break up the breakneck pace of the summer construction season by posting some photos of CBA staff’s vacations. Answer: this was a bit of a trick question as this is a dusky view toward Boston from Thompson Island, one of the Boston Harbor Islands! This was taken at visitors day for the Boston Harbor Scottish Fiddle School summer fiddle camp. The Boston Harbor Islands are a quick ferry ride from downtown Boston, but feel like a world away. @bostonharborislands @bostonharbornow @nationalparkservice #bostonharborislands #thompsonisland #bostonharbor #findyourpark #outwardbound

Whether it's a playground, bus stop, or outdoor seating at a restaurant, here's nothing that beats the heat like shade trees! At Gramstorff Park, this seat wall is perfectly positioned to take advantage of the existing trees that were protected in the park redesign, as well as providing separation between the toddler play area and the belt swings. Where is your favorite shady summertime outdoor space?
#parksandrec #parkdesign #landscapearchitecture #shade #beattheheat #summer#dogdays

CBA vacation report! One of the CBA principals visited the Pacific Northwest over the 4th of July week and stopped in at the Japanese Gardens in Portland, OR. What a serene space! (Not pictured: 4 year old trying to touch everything, hordes of other tourists.) @portlandjapanesegarden @aslaoregon #landscapedesign #landscapearchitecture