CBA created coordinated Master Plans and an initial phase of construction for two of the Town of Medway's signature parks, Choate Park and Oakland Park
Choate Park, built around an old mill pond, is the heart of the Towns recreational system. CBA’s Master Plan for Choate Park added a large new pavilion to accommodate gatherings at the water’s edge; added a loop path around the pond; renovated the playground area with new play equipment and a water play area; organized the ball fields; and improved parking throughout the site. Included in the design, and permitted but not constructed, was a boardwalk along a portion of the pond’s edge; the boardwalk design is shovel ready once the Town identifies construction funding.
Oakland Park's use focuses on very active soccer fields and a key Town summer camp program. CBA’s design reconfigured vehicular and pedestrian circulation; revised parking with a rain garden to address stormwater; updated the driveway and pedestrian connections to the adjacent Senior Center; and added a large new wooden octagonal pavilion, a new playground, and a bathroom building with camp offices to create a central core for the park.
CBA has continued to work with the Town to design a “Peace Garden” on the western shore of Mill Pond at Choate Park.