Brookline Residence, Brookline, MA
Cape Cod Bay Residence, Barnstable, MA
East Hampton Retreat, East Hampton NY
Hillside Residence, Newton MA
Historic South Coast Cottage, Marion, MA
House on the Bog, Martha's Vineyard, MA
House on the Lake, Cape Cod, MA
Laissez Faire, Cape Cod, MA
Lower Cape Farmhouse, Cape Cod, MA
Northshore Compound, Martha's Vineyard, MA
Riptide, Chatham, Cape Cod, MA
Salt Pond Home, Martha's Vineyard, MA
Seaside Retreat, Marion, MA
Stable House, Columbia County, NY
Stately Mattapoisett Home, Mattapoisett, MA
Southshore Compound & Chilmark Pond House, Martha's Vineyard, MA
West Chop Estate, Martha's Vineyard, MA